HorrorGeekLife declares 'Never Hike in the Snow' one of the best horror fan films yet!
read more here: https://www.horrorgeeklife.com/2020/10/14/review-never-hike-in-the-snow-is-one-of-the-best-horror-fan-films-yet/
Never Hike Alone Webseries Announced!
Los Angeles, CA, September 13 – Following years of foreboding silence, Jason Vorhees made an unexpected return to form in Never Hike...
Womp Stomp Films releases Disappear
To celebrate the announcement of the Never Hike Alone Web Series, Womp Stomp Films unveils a new short film titled "Disappear" featuring...
WSF Announces 'NHA' Home Video Campaign
Our friends at Friday the 13th: The Franchise were kind enough to share details regarding our upcoming home video campaign launching on...
Friday the 13th Franchises Storytelling Autopsy of 'Never Hike Alone'
Lorne Dixon of Friday the 13th: The Franchise provides a detailed story breakdown of "Never Hike Alone." Read Full Article
Bloody Disgusting Loves 'Never Hike Alone'
Bloody-Disgusting's John Squires weighs in with his thoughts on 'NHA' and the word is good! Read Full Article
Birth. Movies. Death. praises Never Hike Alone at Telluride Horror Show
Birth.Death.Movies. columnist Meredith Borders ways in with her thoughts on 'Never Hike Alone' after attending the premiere screening at...
Horror Fix Posts Press Release for 'NHA' Release Announcement
The always supportive Horror Fix gang posted he press release for the Never Hike Alone release announcement, of October 13, 2017. Follow...
Bloody Flicks UK Shares 'NHA' Release Announcement
Bloody Flicks UK posted the press release for the announcement of the release date of Never Hike Alone. Get ready on October 13, 2017 and...
Friday the 13th Franchise Hypes the Release of 'Never Hike Alone'
As the leader of all things F13, Friday the 13th Franchise gushed about the Never Hike Alone release date announcement, claiming: [Never...